Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Sew Time!

I think it's high time I did some sewing, don't you?  All this time blogging and I don't think I've actually sewn anything (other than stitching cushions together).  Thankfully, the Spring Cleaning bug came and went fairly quickly and all of a sudden I felt like I needed to sew.  But what to sew?  I was thinking about embarking on a quilt, but as I'm half way through crocheting a ripple blanket, it seemed a bit of a big undertaking.  I cast my eyes around the house for inspiration and there, on the boy's bed, was the answer!  A very dull and boring cream cushion crying out for someone to come along and give it the covering it deserves.

I was tempted to whip up a quick cover there and then. But then I thought about the time I'd taken to make the other two covers and I thought perhaps a bit of time and love was in order.  And as I was already thinking about quilting, and as I already had a few hexagons on the go from ages ago, well, sometimes these things just come together.

Some nice hand-sewing, slowly but surely, piece by piece.

Being thrifty by using up some old threads for the tacking, not to mention working my way through my big bin of scraps - some from the patchwork quilt I made for him about 4 years ago!

It's amazing how quickly they come together really :-)

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