When I think about it, maybe yesterday was an illusion. I must surely have been hallucinating when I looked out of the window and saw a bright blue sky! Aaah, but it's still very windy, I thought. HANG ON! Perfect drying weather - a chance to give my poor, over-worked dryer a day off! Within seconds the sheets were on the line, billowing in the wind.
Obviously, it didn't last. Maybe a couple of hours and then the sky blackened and the rain came down. But they did get partly dry - at least a good airing.
Hey ho. Time to retreat to the kitchen again.
Don't mind if I do. Truth be told, I found some dates that were left over from Christmas (!) but still perfectly edible, plus I had some over-ripe bananas. The Flapplejack used up some seen-better-days apples from the bottom of the fruit bowl. Both were delicious and I was able to give myself a brownie point for being thrifty ;-) Actually, I will freeze half of each so that I have packed lunch fodder on tap.
And as if this wasn't enough for one day, I attempted loaf no. 2. This time I used a bog standard recipe which was just flour, salt, yeast and water. This loaf turned out much better - you can just see a nice airy texture which was not doughy, like my first attempt. So this morning I was able to have homemade bread with homemade marmalade on top! Just call me Delia ...
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